
Supported Lifestyles

Coping with a loved one who has a long-term illness, or a physical disability can be a life-changing experience. Although for many carers, caring can have positive and rewarding aspects, there are lots of reasons why caring can also leave you needing support. Caring for someone can have an impact on many aspects of your life, even if you don’t directly care for them, you worry about them constantly.

How does caring affect someone’s life?

• You might have to give up work to care for a loved one which can add an extra drain on tight finances.

• Caring can make you physically exhausted – you might be getting up several times in the night as well as caring throughout the day.

• You might be juggling caring with looking after the rest of your family and holding down a job.

• Caring can lead to stress, depression and other mental health issues if you don’t have a break.

• Caring can be isolating as you may find you can rarely leave the house.

• It may be hard to sustain friendships or develop new ones or keep up with interests and activities you may have previously enjoyed.

• Young carers can find it hard to go to school/college/university or keep up with course work.

We provide support for people with a learning disability, complex needs, acquired brain injury, physical disability, dementia, mental health needs, and autism. We believe it’s vital to build close relationships with the families of the people we support. We know that supporting your son, daughter, sister, brother or close friend is the most important thing that you will ever ask us to do. We understand that you may have concerns about transferring their day to day support to someone else, perhaps for the first time in their lives. And we also understand that you will have concerns about what will happen when you

How we can help

Light support – just a few hours of support a day or a week to do the things people need help with, like making a meal, paying bills or looking for a job. This allows us to take the pressure off you and give you a break when you need it.

24-hour support, 7 days a-week, helping people to develop their skills, independence and confidence, getting about and doing things they enjoy. There’s always someone on hand to take over the main supporting role should you need it.

Holiday and short break support - at home or somewhere else. We can help you to achieve that long-awaited holiday away by supporting your loved one in your absence.

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"With the help of all of you, we were all able to keep going to the end. Your support was invaluable."

From relatives

"I probably wouldn't be here without their care"

From clients

"If I have any queries they will always sit down and talk to me."

From clients

"They have given me back a sense of who I used to be."

From clients